if you have any question? Email Us : sanjayshesh73@gmail.com

Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions of Shankar Shesh Foundation Trust is a legal “Contract” between you (either an individual or an entity that you are representing, hereinafter "you").

The use of the services constitutes you to agreement with terms of this contract. It’s acknowledges that Shankar Shesh Foundation Trust would not agree to provide the services without that assent.

The Services include any support services with our scope of work mentioned in the website. You may only receive the services if you have a subscribed in good standing with a valid account with Shankar Shesh Foundation Trust.

Limitation of Liability

• Not withstanding anything to the contrary in no event shall Shankar Shesh Foundation Trust be liable to you in excess of the amounts actually paid by you to Shankar Shesh Foundation Trust under the plan order that is the subject of the dispute.

• The Shankar Shesh Foundation Trust, and all content provided on or through the site, are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis, except where expressly provided otherwise.

Cancellation and Termination

• All right reserved to Shankar Shesh Foundation Trust to refuse service for any reason at any time to anyone.

• Shankar Shesh Foundation Trust in its sole discretion has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse any and all current or future use of the Service, for reasons such as unauthorized access of our portal, servers and databases, abusive behavior, data theft, improper utilization of our services.

Services / Plans

• Your services refer to your contract with Shankar Shesh Foundation Trust under the plan that you entered with. Shankar Shesh Foundation Trust offers multiple service plans, which entitles you to access our service support( change of content , updating the images , updating the website pages,updation of database) for the duration of the contract.

• Shankar Shesh Foundation Trust reserves the right at any time and from time to time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Service (or any part thereof) with or without notice.

Data Protection

• If customer loses any of data or information because of self updation of pages or malware in the pages of website. However,Shankar Shesh Foundation Trust guides the customers with best of the ability at least to save or backup his/her important information.

• Shankar Shesh Foundation Trust does provide data backup or restoration services. But it would be charged as additional services. You are solely responsible for maintaining and backing up all information, data, text or other materials and software stored on your server or storage media before ordering the services.

• You acknowledge and agree that Shankarshesh or its referral partners have no responsibility or liability under any circumstance at any time for any loss or corruption of customer data, software that may arise out of the services.

• Shankar Shesh Foundation Trust does not provide backup copies or support installation of unlicensed software to customers. Please ensure that you have a licensed copy of all necessary software.

Payments / Credit Card Billing

• None of customer’s financial related information (credit cards, social security numbers, financials, etc.) is saved by Shankar Shesh Foundation Trust.

• You authorize Shankar Shesh Foundation Trust who bills products or services, or acts as billing agent for services to continue to attempt to charge and/or place holds with respect to all sums described herein, or any portion thereof, to your credit card until such amounts are paid in full. You agree to provide Shankarshesh with updated credit card information upon Shankarshesh sales team request at any time the information you previously provided is no longer valid

• You acknowledge and agree that neither Shankarshesh.com nor any Shankarshesh.com affiliated company will have any liability whatsoever for any non-sufficient funds or other charges incurred by you as a result of such attempts to charge, and/or place holds on, your credit card.

• If you mistakenly provide a debit card number, instead of a credit card number, you authorize all charges described herein to be applied to such debit card unless and until you provide a credit card number. In the event you are enrolled, or later enroll, in an automatic payment or electronic funds transfer plan, you agree that all sums described here in may be charged, at Shankar Shesh Foundation Trust option, to the account number provided for such automatic payment or electronic funds transfer plan.

• When payment is made by credit card or debit card, payment will also be subject to the terms and conditions established by the credit or debit card issuer. If charges cannot be processed through your credit card, or if your bank draft or electronic funds transfer is returned for insufficient funds, we will charge you an additional .

Acceptance of Agreement

• Shankar Shesh Foundation Trust provides access to its services online which may require you to enter into agreements or receive notices electronically. accordingly, you acknowledge and agree that by clicking "I Agree" or "I Accept" or “Submit” anywhere on a www.Shankarshesh.com website.

• You agree to conduct electronically the particular transaction into which you thereby enter including, without limitation, entering into this agreement.

• You have read and understand the electronic copy of electronic contracts, notices and records, including, without limitation, this Agreement, and any policies and any amendments hereto or thereto.

Unlawful Activity

• Shankar Shesh Foundation Trust reserve all right to investigate complaints or reported violations of this Contract and to take any action we adjudge appropriate, including but not limited to reporting any suspected unlawful activity to law enforcement officials, regulators, or other third parties and disclosing any information necessary or appropriate to such persons or entities relating to your profile, email addresses, usage history, posted materials, IP addresses and traffic information. If you have any question or query related to our Terms And Condition, please feel free to email us sanjayshesh73@gmail.com.